Bridge at Kensington

Bridge at Kensington

Friday, August 17, 2007

Kensington Pond

This was great fun to paint. It was one of the first hot, hazy days of summer, with a pleasant breeze. There were sandhill cranes feeding in the shallows of the pond off the right side of the canvas. The two swans were lazily feeding all morning.

Kensington Metro Park was busy that day, with bus loads of kids on field trips. I had many kids come up to look, ask questions, say "Wow! Nice picture." About halfway through the painting a camerawoman from the local public television station came up behind and asked me if I minded her taking a shot of me painting. I don't know if it ran that night, because being a non-TV watcher I forgot to watch. Oh well. Immortalized in paint and pixels.

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